kelsey plum gay 1

When the Las Vegas Aces of the Women’s National Basketball Association signed American professional basketball player Kelsey Plum, she shot to prominence.

She also won the women’s 33 basketball event at the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Plum is a fantastic basketball player, and she has a large fan base that is curious about her off-court life. In this essay, I will discuss Kelsey’s past marriages, her family, and other personal details.

Kelsey Plum And D’Angelo Russell: Dating Or Just Friends?

Kelsey Plum And D'Angelo Russell Dating Or Just Friends

Plum and D’Angelo Russell were rumored to be an item. In the United States, Russell plays professional basketball.

On May 25th, 2019 they were spotted having a good time at Protein House in Sin City.

When spotted, the two were clearly acting as a pair. Both of their official Instagram accounts are linked and they follow one another.

They always looked like they were having a great time when they were together.

D’Angelo Russel and Gabby Engersgaard were spotted together soon after their breakup.

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Is Kelsey Plum Gay?

If you believe the publicly available evidence, Kelsey Plum is not gay. In contrast, she has said nothing about her sexual orientation.

Is Kelsey Plum Gay

There have, however, been whispers and speculations that she is gay or lesbian. Unfortunately, they can’t back up their claims with any evidence.

Meanwhile, Plum has married and is living a happy life with her husband. There may be no need for her to openly discuss her sexual orientation.

Is Kelsey Plum Currently Taken? Please Meet Her Spouse

As of recently, Kelsey Plum has tied the knot. On February 17th, 2016, Plum and her husband Josh exchanged wedding vows.

Kelsey and Josh had been together for quite some time before they got married. During their time in university, they had become acquainted.

The month of February 2018 marked Plum and her better half’s fifth wedding anniversary. Based on what we know so far, the two get along wonderfully.

On the other hand, Josh’s employment status remains mysteriously unknown online. This dude has not yet made an appearance on any of Plum’s social media channels.

Kelsey is similar in that she keeps her admirers in the dark about her marital status. As a result, we had very little information to glean about her family.

Just like I haven’t been able to have kids as a wife, Kesley hasn’t had any either.

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Kelsey Pulm’s Family

Katie Plum is Kelsey’s mother. Similarly, Jim Plum is also the name of her father. Two of the parents of a Pulm are elite athletes.

For Kelsey, participating in athletics is nothing new. Her dad Jim was an all-star athlete who starred in both football and baseball. The woman who raised her, though, played volleyball.

FAQs – People Also Ask

How good is Kelsey Plum?

Plum finished the year with 1,109 points on a 53 percent field goal and 43 percent three-point shooting average. With 3,527 points in her career, she left Washington as the NCAA’s all-time leading scorer. A call from the WNBA came in April of 2017. Everyone agreed that plum was the best.

When did Kelsey Plum start playing basketball?

No. 10 – Las Vegas Aces
CollegeWashington (2013–2017)
WNBA draft2017 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st Overall
Selected by the San Antonio Stars
Playing career2017–present

Is Kelsey Plum an All-Star?

Plum has had a career year for the Aces thus far, being named to the All-Star team for the first time and then winning the WNBA All-Star Game MVP award after scoring a game-high 30 points in Team Wilson’s 134-112 triumph.

How much does Kelsey plum make a year?

Player (12)AgeBase Salary
Kelsey Plum28$180,250
Riquna Williams32$145,000
Dearica Hamby28$142,800
Kiah Stokes29$115,000

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