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Nkiri And 16 Alternatives You Should Know More Update Information 2023



Nkiri is one of the best places to watch Korean dramas online and get them downloaded instantly. The site boasts one of the greatest collections of dramas, and it updates frequently with dozens of fresh choices every day.

In addition, Nkiri offers free downloads of numerous Hollywood movies and Korean dramas. You can get your hands on all of Hollywood’s blockbuster movies and all of Korea’s top-grossing shows, nkiri.

If you sign up for it, you’ll be among the first to know when a new movie has been added to the site and get real-time updates on what’s happening there.

An Alternate To Nkiri

For Chinese speakers living abroad, Ouhvod is one of the most popular video-streaming websites. Customers of this service can stream countless hours of high-definition content from the Chinese film industry’s television shows and movies.

It also gives its users access to a massive library with a ton of back catalog titles and brand new releases, so they can easily catch up on everything they may have missed. In addition, Ouhvod includes…

OnDramaNice, No. 2

Users of OnDramanice have the option of watching Asian dramas and movies with English subtitles dubbed in languages such as Korean, Thai, Taiwanese, Japanese, Hong Kong, Chinese, etc.

Every day, new movies and TV shows are added on the platform for its customers all around the world.

Action, humor, sci-fi, erotic thrillers, romantic, adventure, fantasy, family, and many more are just some of the genres that OnDramaNice helps its viewers enjoy. Juvenile Justice, Cupid’s Last Wish, and Cherry are among of their most well-known works….

Third, HanCinema

Users of HanCinema, an online marketplace, get access to an extensive database of Korean films and television shows that is constantly updated and organized into categories including movies, directors, dramas, and actors.

Notifications of new articles, editorials, reviews, etc., can be sent out immediately to users. With hundreds of thousands of records in the archive, HanCinema has the potential to become the premier English-language hub for Korean film.

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Number Four: NewAsianTV

Users of NewasianTv, an online video service, can watch and download a wide variety of videos, including television shows, feature films, music videos, and more.

Anyone may access Thai, Philippine, Chinese, Taiwanese, and many other regionally specific film and drama selections on the site.

Users of NewAsianTV will have access to a library of thousands of films. There is no way to choose the best of them, thus it can also propose based on users’ previous search history….

Number Five: DramaGo

DramaGo is a torrent-based platform that allows users to distribute illegal copies of virtually any media. The movie collections are open to everyone, so he can easily import the films he like.

In order to watch a movie online, users must go to the internet and type in the domain name. Users of the piracy site known as DramaGo have access to a plethora of pirated Korean films.

The list is comprehensive, including both new and older films, so they may simply be viewed online. …

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Kshow123 is an online marketplace where viewers can find Asian dramas, movies, and series dubbed in English and available for instant streaming.

Most drama boxsets feature millions of episodes, and the primary suppliers even distribute them all in 720p or 1080p HD.

The content of Kshow123 is updated regularly and is available for the lowest price possible. The subscribed user will be notified immediately whenever it uploads…


Viu, which launched as a streaming service in 2015, is now the go-to place for legal access to the latest and greatest in Korean entertainment.

This system supports in-app purchases and direct app downloads from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Viu not only increases its content sources to various other nations, such as Hong Kong, Thailand, etc., but it also provides dramas, movies, and variety shows to Korea. The platform has a contract guaranteeing access to the vast majority of material…

KBS World TV

Established as a paid channel by Korea’s broadcasting system on July 1, 2003, KBS World TV is aimed at providing entertainment to viewers outside of South Korea.

While most of the content on this platform is aired in Korean, it is possible to view it with subtitles in a variety of languages (including English, Chinese, Malay, and others).

Moreover, users have access to nearly all high-definition streaming video, so they are no longer bothered by graphical difficulties.

Several services, including the Japanese national broadcaster NHK, are run by KBS’s affiliates.

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Place No. 9: MyAsianTV

MyAsianTV is a website where viewers can watch practically any Korean drama with English subtitles for easy comprehension. You may watch Korean dramas in their entirety and legally on our platform, which is accessible from nearly any location in the world.

When it comes to downloading and watching stuff online, it is much more convenient and efficient. If you’re looking for a rapidly expanding marketplace with no sign-up requirements, look no farther than MyAsianTV.

Both the content index and the user flow have been thoroughly considered across various dimensions….

Rank: #10 on AsianDate

The acclaimed Asian film, television, and internet web video provider AsianCrush is now available.

You may find practically any type of media on this channel, including Korean dramas, Asian horror films, martial arts films, science fiction films, Korean thrillers, anime, Asian action films, and much more.

AsianCrush is a streaming service that currently only operates in the United States; users outside of the region need the un-locator in order to watch videos from the service. There is…

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8वां वेतन आयोग: सैलरी और पेंशन में इतने प्रतिशत की होगी बढ़ोतरी, 2025 में मिलेगा फायदा!



8th Pay Commission Date

भारत सरकार ने 8वें वेतन आयोग की घोषणा करने की प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है, जो केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। इस आयोग के गठन का उद्देश्य सरकारी कर्मचारियों की सैलरी और पेंशन में वृद्धि करना है। मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के अनुसार, यदि 8वां वेतन आयोग लागू होता है, तो न्यूनतम सैलरी लगभग ₹ 18,000 से बढ़कर ₹34,560 हो सकती है। इसके साथ ही, पेंशन में भी बढ़ोतरी होने की उम्मीद है। इस लेख में हम जानेंगे कि 8वें वेतन आयोग के तहत क्या-क्या बदलाव होंगे, इसके लाभ क्या हैं, और इसे कब लागू किया जाएगा।

8वें वेतन आयोग का महत्व

8वां वेतन आयोग सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण मील का पत्थर है। यह आयोग हर 10 साल में गठित किया जाता है और इसका उद्देश्य कर्मचारियों की सैलरी और पेंशन को मौजूदा आर्थिक परिस्थितियों के अनुसार संशोधित करना होता है। वर्तमान में, 7वां वेतन आयोग लागू है, जो 1 जनवरी 2016 से प्रभावी हुआ था।

योजना के लाभ

  1. सैलरी में वृद्धि: न्यूनतम सैलरी में लगभग 92% की वृद्धि हो सकती है।
  2. पेंशन में सुधार: पेंशनभोगियों को भी बेहतर वित्तीय सहायता मिलेगी।
  3. महंगाई भत्ता: महंगाई भत्ते में भी बढ़ोतरी की संभावना है।
  4. सामाजिक सुरक्षा: यह कदम सरकारी कर्मचारियों को आर्थिक सुरक्षा प्रदान करेगा।

योजना का संक्षिप्त विवरण

योजना का नाम8वां वेतन आयोग
लागू तिथि1 जनवरी 2026 (संभावित)
न्यूनतम सैलरी₹34,560
न्यूनतम पेंशन₹17,280
फिटमेंट फैक्टर2.86
कुल कर्मचारी1 करोड़ से अधिक

8वें वेतन आयोग की विशेषताएँ

1. फिटमेंट फैक्टर

फिटमेंट फैक्टर वह दर होती है जिसके आधार पर कर्मचारियों की सैलरी और पेंशन का निर्धारण किया जाता है। वर्तमान में, 7वें वेतन आयोग का फिटमेंट फैक्टर 2.57 है। लेकिन 8वें वेतन आयोग के लिए इसे बढ़ाकर 2.86 करने की मांग की जा रही है।

2. सैलरी और पेंशन में वृद्धि

यदि सरकार नए फिटमेंट फैक्टर को लागू करती है, तो इससे केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों की सैलरी और पेंशन दोनों में भारी वृद्धि होगी।

  • न्यूनतम सैलरी: ₹18,000 से बढ़कर ₹34,560 हो सकती है।
  • न्यूनतम पेंशन: ₹9,000 से बढ़कर ₹17,280 हो सकती है।

3. महंगाई भत्ता (DA)

महंगाई भत्ता (DA) हर छह महीने में संशोधित होता है और यह कर्मचारियों को मुद्रास्फीति के प्रभाव से बचाने के लिए दिया जाता है।

  • महंगाई भत्ते में वृद्धि होने से कर्मचारियों को अतिरिक्त वित्तीय सहायता मिलेगी।

8वें वेतन आयोग का गठन कब होगा?

सरकार ने अभी तक आधिकारिक रूप से 8वें वेतन आयोग के गठन की तारीख नहीं बताई है। लेकिन कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि इसे 2025-26 के केंद्रीय बजट में शामिल किया जा सकता है।

  • आधिकारिक घोषणा का इंतजार: सभी कर्मचारी और पेंशनभोगी इस घोषणा का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं।

आवेदन प्रक्रिया

यदि आप इस योजना का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं या अपने वेतन/पेंशन में सुधार चाहते हैं तो आपको निम्नलिखित प्रक्रिया का पालन करना होगा:

1. आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं

आपको सबसे पहले भारत सरकार की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा जहाँ इस योजना के बारे में जानकारी दी गई होगी।

2. रजिस्ट्रेशन करें

वेबसाइट पर दिए गए “8वां वेतन आयोग” लिंक पर क्लिक करें।

3. आवश्यक जानकारी भरें

आपको अपनी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी जैसे नाम, पता, आधार नंबर आदि भरनी होगी।

4. दस्तावेज़ अपलोड करें

आपको आधार कार्ड और अन्य आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ों की स्कैन कॉपी अपलोड करनी होगी।

5. फॉर्म सबमिट करें

सभी जानकारी सही-सही भरने के बाद फॉर्म सबमिट करें। आपको एक रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर प्राप्त होगा जिससे आप अपनी स्थिति चेक कर सकते हैं।

सामाजिक प्रभाव

यह योजना न केवल वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करती है बल्कि यह महिलाओं और किसानों को सामाजिक रूप से सशक्त बनाती है। जब महिलाएं और किसान आर्थिक रूप से स्वतंत्र होंगे तो वे अपने अधिकारों के प्रति जागरूक होंगे और समाज में अपनी भूमिका निभा सकेंगे।

शिक्षा और कौशल विकास

सरकार इस योजना के अंतर्गत महिलाओं और किसानों को शिक्षा और कौशल विकास कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेने का अवसर देगी। इससे वे विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में काम कर सकेंगी और अपनी आय बढ़ा सकेंगी।

स्वास्थ्य सेवाएँ

महिलाओं और किसानों को स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं तक पहुँच बढ़ाने के लिए विशेष कार्यक्रम चलाए जाएंगे ताकि वे अपने स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रख सकें।


भारत सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई यह नई पहल निश्चित रूप से सरकारी कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों के जीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव लाएगी। यदि आप भी इस योजना का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं तो जल्दी करें और अपना आवेदन आज ही करें।

Disclaimer: यह जानकारी केवल सूचना के उद्देश्य से दी गई है। इस योजना से संबंधित सभी जानकारी समय-समय पर बदल सकती है। कृपया अपने नियोक्ता या संबंधित विभाग से नवीनतम जानकारी प्राप्त करें।

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Simone Biles Wins Her 9th U.S. Gymnastics Championship




Simone Biles Wins Her 9th U.S. Gymnastics Championship

Simone Biles has once again made history in the world of gymnastics by winning her 9th U.S. Gymnastics Championship title.

The superstar athlete put on a spectacular performance at the national championships which were held in Fort Worth, Texas on Sunday. She finished with an overall score of 119.650, nearly five points ahead of the runner-up Sunisa Lee.

Biles’ victory marks her seventh all-around national championship title, making her the first woman to achieve such a feat since Dominique Dawes back in 1996. This impressive win also brings her one step closer to breaking Shannon Miller’s record of seven women’s titles.

But Biles’ dominance didn’t stop there as she also won gold in all four individual events – vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. This brings her total to a staggering 25 national titles, solidifying her status as the most decorated American gymnast.

In addition to her incredible performance at the championships, Biles made headlines for debuting a new move on the balance beam – a double-double dismount. The difficult skill involves two flips and two twists and has only been successfully performed by male gymnasts in the past.

Biles spoke about her accomplishment stating, “It wasn’t my best meet but it was still great to come out here and compete.” She also expressed gratitude towards her fans and supporters saying, “I feel like every single time it’s just amazing and the support that I have here just makes me realize how big this is.”

Biles’ success at the national championships further solidifies her as a top contender for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, where she will have the opportunity to defend her all-around gold medal from the 2016 Rio Games.

Her continued dominance in the sport serves as an inspiration to young gymnasts around the world and cements her legacy as one of the greatest athletes of all time. Biles has undoubtedly raised the bar for American gymnastics and we can’t wait to see what she will achieve next. So let’s cheer on Simone Biles as she continues to make history in her illustrious career.

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USA News

Rep. Mace Defends Switching Support to Trump: “People Want Joe Biden Out”




Rep. Mace Defends Switching Support to Trump- People Want Joe Biden Out

On January 6, 2024, a group of supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the United States Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The events that unfolded that day have been met with widespread condemnation from both sides of the political aisle.

Among those who have received criticism for their actions leading up to and following January 6 2024 is South Carolina Representative Nancy Mace. In an interview with Newsmax on Tuesday, Rep. Mace defended her decision to switch her support from then-President Trump to now-President Joe Biden.

“I know people don’t understand it,” Mace said, “but I think it’s time for us to move on as a country and heal.”

In the weeks leading up to the election, Rep. Mace had been a vocal supporter of President Trump, even attending his rally in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2024. However, after the events at the Capitol, she publicly denounced her support for Trump and voted to certify President Biden’s victory.

“I was there that day,” Mace continued in her interview with Newsmax. “I saw what happened. And I couldn’t continue supporting someone who incited violence and disregarded our Constitution.”

Mace also addressed comments made by some of her constituents who have accused her of betraying them by switching her support for Trump.

“I understand their disappointment,” she said. “But I have to do what is best for our country and our democracy. And right now, that means standing up against those who seek to undermine it.”

Rep. Mace’s decision to switch her support has not been an easy one, as she has faced backlash from members of her own party. However, she remains steadfast in her belief that it was the right thing to do.

"We need leaders who are willing to put aside their personal politics and stand up for what is right," Mace stated firmly. "And right now, what is right is getting rid of Joe Biden."

While Rep. Mace’s switch may have come as a surprise to some, it reflects a growing sentiment among Republicans who are starting to distance themselves from the former president and his actions leading up to and following January 6th.

As Rep. Mace stated, “This isn’t about being a Democrat or a Republican, it’s about doing what is best for our country.”

In the midst of political divide, it’s refreshing to see leaders like Rep. Mace willing to put aside party affiliations and stand up for what they believe is right. Whether you agree with her decision or not, one thing is clear – change is happening in the GOP, and people are starting to realize that it’s time to move on and focus on healing as a nation.

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