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Editorial Policy & Standards


There’s a distinction to be made between delivering information and telling what’s going on in a nation – and how events outside our boundaries effect them. The importance of context and viewpoint cannot be overstated. Our reporters and editors strive to focus on real people, not just institutions, in order to highlight how events affect our lives in a human context.

Because we live in such a busy society, every story must persuade readers to devote time to it. People will click to another website, turn the page, or change the channel if the news item does not try to be fascinating or tell the reader why they should care.

Despite the fact that our job is changing, the ideals that underlie our work remain the same. Everything we do must be unflinchingly fair, honest, and unbiased. We’re dealing with demonstrable facts backed up by trustworthy and competent sources. We investigate all sides of a story with equal zeal.

The importance of accuracy cannot be overstated. When a mistake is discovered, it must be corrected right away. Corrections to articles that have already been published or broadcast should not be hesitant or sparse. They must be written with the intention of redressing a harm in the most thorough and complete manner possible.

Our task is critical. A news organisation that is devoted to meeting 24-hour deadlines must prioritise speed. However, being dependable always takes precedence over being quick.

A continual consideration is good taste. Some important information is just repulsive. It doesn’t have to be handled that way.


Our reporters, editors, and supervisors are responsible for respecting Velvetiere’s standards. It’s impossible to have specific guidelines covering every circumstance when it comes to reporting, writing, and editing news since there’s so much uniqueness involved. As part of their obligations, our employees follow a variety of procedures.

The following are some of the most important of these practises:


As journalists, it’s part of our job to make sure we don’t do anything that diminishes the craft or undermines our credibility. We must follow strong ethical norms and be seen to be following them because we report the terrible news about politicians who turn dirty, caretakers who abuse their trust, and business executives who disregard ethics for profit.

It’s difficult to address all possible ethical issues in this work. However, in the spirit of striving to grow rather than constrain our work, we adhere to the following guiding principles.


Impartiality is a lot like working out. To improve tone and strength, you must exercise on a regular basis.

Stopping and asking oneself, “Am I being as unbiased, honest, and fair as I can be?” is the best exercise for impartiality.

Other impartiality guidelines:

Parties involved in a dispute, whether in politics, law, or elsewhere, are given equal respect. Conflicting interests’ statements should be given equal weight, whether they are incorporated in a single tale or used at different periods.

However, whenever possible, strive to acquire contrasting viewpoints for simultaneous publishing.

Any authority response is also transmitted if an attack by one organisation or person on another has been covered. If you can’t find a reliable source, say so and try again.

Question a relative unknown’s expertise on the subject if he or she offers controversial views. Consider if the report should be carried if there is no expertise or if the individual does not hold an official position that lends credence to their opinions.


A story’s lifeblood is its quotes. They give the palest stories rosiness in their cheeks. They give your message more legitimacy, immediacy, and punch.

They can also cause problems for writers and editors who abuse them. Some news agencies allow for creative licence when it comes to quotes. Any tampering with what was said is met with a severe response from Velvetiere.

We quote people verbatim and in standard English in general. We correct glaring grammatical errors that would be embarrassing if left uncorrected. We eliminate ah’s, routine vulgarities, and pointless repeats from your speech. In emails and SMS messages, we correct careless spelling errors and other typos. We do not change quotations if this is not the case.

While we don’t utilise unusual spellings and grammar to show dialects or mispronunciations on a regular basis, they can be useful in conveying atmosphere.

In a report about pop superstar Justin Bieber’s usage of Twitter, cleaning up or paraphrasing this tweet from a teenage admirer would have removed a revealing element out of the tale:

“I’m not sure whether @justinbieber ever sees my tweets, but I’m never going to stop tryinge”

No matter how prominent the speaker, quotes featuring bafflegab are routinely paraphrased in simple English.


There will be no profanity used. Maintaining decorum.

Also, a word of caution about translations. We shouldn’t make assumptions about someone’s ability to communicate in English when he isn’t.

Unless it is obvious, make it clear what language is being utilised in interviews and speeches. Indicate when French was the original language at a press conference where both French and English are spoken. Indicate that a translation is involved when reporting crowd screams or the wording of protest signs in other languages.

When a direct or indirect quote is based on translation rather than the precise words used, readers have a right to know.


Velvetiere’s move to an internet news provider has provided the news report a wider audience than ever before. Stories are no longer routed through numerous editors before being made available to the general audience. The role of the middleman has been decreased thanks to technological advancements, allowing us to send our content straight to readers, viewers, and listeners — unconstrained and unfiltered.

As a result, Velvetiere has a firm policy against the use of obscenity, which is well-understood by employees and severely enforced by supervisors.

Except under very particular and extremely unusual instances, obscenity has no place in a news report, whether in print, audio, or video.

Four-letter curses yelled from the crowd or printed on a furious demonstrator’s sign contribute nothing to the story. Profanity used for the sake of profanity does not enlighten the reader, listener, or viewer.

There are a few instances in which obscene language should be included in a news story. One example could be a well-known figure cussing in public. In other cases, using profanity is necessary for a complete grasp of the facts or emotions driving a story.

However, such occurrences are relatively rare.

Journalists should always investigate alternatives to using profanity while reporting on a topic. A senior Main Desk editor must be consulted before transmitting any narrative, audio, photographs, or video in the rare case where an obscenity is essential to the story.


Every news story contains the potential for offence. Age, ethnicity, sex, impairments, and religion are all topics that occasionally make the headlines, but they must be handled with care.

When identifying age, colour, creed, nationality, physical appearance, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and any other category under which a person or group may feel slighted, use fairness, sensitivity, and good taste.


When we make a promise of anonymity, we must keep it to the letter. However, it is only fair to inform potential suppliers that it cannot be absolute. Courts may order reporters to reveal their sources.

Contracts with sources that are made verbally are enforceable in court. Before you acquire the information, be sure you and your source fully understand the terms of the arrangement. Make no commitments you can’t keep.

For example, you could agree not to name the source in your piece and not to reveal the source’s identity to anybody other than your employer. You can’t guarantee that the source won’t be harmed if the source’s name is made public, whether by accident or by court order.

Velvetiere will not require or recommend that an employee refuse to comply with a court order. It will provide legal counsel who will advise the employee and attempt to persuade the court that disclosure is not necessary in the public interest, or who will request a closed hearing.

Sources should also be aware that reporters are required to identify their sources to their superiors. This could be anyone from the News Editor of the bureau to the President. This does not imply that everyone in the chain of command must be aware of the situation. In a delicate situation, a staffer may approach the Editor-in-Chief or the President personally.

If a source must be revealed above the President’s level, top management will make every attempt to notify the originating staffer ahead of time.

There may be times when complete secrecy is required on a very sensitive news tip, and Velvetiere is unable to validate the information with other sources. In this scenario, senior management will consult with the original employee. We will not carry the material if the situation is insurmountable.

Readers should be provided as much information about the unnamed source’s background as feasible as part of good reporting. This aids readers in determining whether or not the narrative is worth their time. The unknown source’s qualifications must never be misleading. With a little thinking, you should be able to come up with a description that is both beneficial to the reader and protective of the source.

It may be important to seek advice from the source on the wording of such a description so that the story can inform the reader without exposing the identity of the character.

Some informants may supply information that can be linked to a specific person, but then demand anonymity for any more information. It’s difficult to attribute this secret information because it would be deceptive to say it came from someone else (another Economy Department official, who asked for anonymity, said). It is usually advisable to use phrasing like It was also learned.

Other resources for dealing with anonymous sources include:

Use other people’s anonymous sources as though they were Velvetiere’s. Unnamed sources in stories gathered from newspapers or television should be linked to the publication or broadcaster: According to the Washington, an unnamed Energy Department official said…

The source’s request for anonymity should be specified in the story, along with an explanation of why.

Spokespeople and officials should not be confused. A spokesman represents the views of others, whereas an official assists in the formulation of those views.
When a fictitious name is used — for example, in the case of a troubled adolescent or a welfare family — or when a composite person is created to represent a group of similar people, the ruse must be explained as soon as possible. It’s a device that can’t be used frequently without losing its effectiveness. Before it is utilised, it must be discussed with a supervisor.

News collecting has altered as a result of the internet and social networking sites such as Facebook, where people may share information. For journalists looking for information, the internet is generally their first stop. It’s especially useful for locating people who may have firsthand knowledge of a major event, spotting news tips or trends, locating new sources, and verifying factual background.

Material from websites is subject to the same copyright rules as material from print publications. When paraphrased, full attribution must be given, and when carried word for word, quotation marks must be used. With proper credit, you can avoid mistakenly cutting and pasting words that aren’t your own into your content.


Mistakes are bound to occur. Information that is false is reported. When this happens, the main concern is to have it corrected as soon as possible.

Online stories are available for at least 24 hours, while other forms of content can be available for much longer. Although the length of time that websites can preserve Velvetiere content is limited by contract, these tales are frequently maintained online for much longer. Online stories, unlike those in newspapers, do not exist in a single form. As current web news, they can be updated at any time in their lives. This means that the window for completing a Writethru to fix a mistake is substantially larger than the usual newspaper deadline cycle.

To deal with problems or possible problems with tales,Velvetiere employs the following methods:

Writethru Correction – makes a factual or phrasing adjustment.

Kill — removes a false, legally harmful, or detrimental story.

Replaces a tale that has been killed using Writethru Correction Sub.

Corrective — used to correct a mistake that has most likely already been published. It was created with the express purpose of confronting the inaccuracy and setting the record straight. It solely deals with information that has been proven to be incorrect.


Velvetiere places a high value on privacy. We do not believe in invading someone’s privacy without justification. Bringing private behaviour, information, or conversation into the open is against the organization’s rule, unless consent is sought in special circumstances.

We believe in protecting the identity of the victims and avoiding utilising photos that dishonour the deceased when reporting death, pain, and sorrow.

Other Intellectual Property Rights And Copyright

The following are examples of intellectual property rights:

Industrial designs, trademarks, and geographical indications are all protected by copyright.

The Copyright Act, the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, the Patents Act, and the Designs Act all apply to this topic.

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